Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Feingolds Getting Divorced

As you've probably already heard, earlier this week Senator Feingold and his wife Mary announced that they are getting divorced. The most in-depth article about this can be found on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's page and I recommend reading it. While the Feingolds have stated that they are splitting amicably and absolutely nothing scandalous has been mentioned in the stories, many pundits and political junkies are saying that this is the end for a possible Feingold for President campaign. Meanwhile, most of my fellow Feingold supporters seem to feel that it doesn't matter, or at least, shouldn't matter.

I agree that, ideally, the Senator's divorce shouldn't affect his presidential chances. Unfortunately, presidential politics is definitely not an ideal world, and honestly I can see why this might make some Democrats less willing to support him in the primary. Skeptics of a Feingold candidacy can now add "recently divorced for the second time" to the list of reasons why Senator Feingold supposedly can't win in red states (along with his being progressive, Jewish and a northerner). In addition, I can understand if people from either party are reluctant to support a divorced candidate after what happened with Jack Ryan in Illinois. The media loves scandals (covering the issues is boring!), divorces are a good place to find scandals, and the media will dig all the way through divorce records trying to find a scandal, and they'll blow everything they find out of proportion. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. So I can understand seeing a candidate with a divorce, especially a recent one, as trouble waiting to happen.

That said, I still support Senator Feingold for President 100%. Why? Well, if you've been following the blog since the beginning, you'll remember that my main reason for supporting him wasn't that he's the most obviously electable candidate: it was that I think he'd be the best President. That hasn't changed. He still has what both America and the Democratic Party needs the most: courage, integrity, and real leadership. He's still capable of putting forward an intelligent, articulate, real alternative to GOP policies. He still has one of the best records in politics in terms of the protecting the environment, standing up for civil liberties, and opposing corporate free trade agreements that are bad for workers here and abroad. He still always puts the public interest ahead of special interests. He'd still be a great candidate and a great president.

I am sad to hear about his divorce, and my thoughts are with the Senator, Mary, and the rest of their family, but it doesn't change my feelings about his ability as a presidential candidate.

Two additional notes:

1. Since this news broke, I've seen a number of people commenting about the number of presidents who never married, or married in the White House, and other historical trivia. Here's one bit I don't think anyone I've seen has mentioned: the Democrats have previously nominated a presidential candidate who got divorced less than four years before the election, Adlai E. Stevenson in 1952.

2. If you are interested in seeing one version of how the modern news media might treat a single US President, you should really see the movie The American President. Great writing (Aaron Sorkin), a great cast, and...the President is from Wisconsin!

Sorry, kind of a silly note, but it's one of my two favorite movies. If you are interested in seeing a movie about a teenager who travels back in time to 1955 and runs into his parents, you should see my other favorite movie, Back to the Future.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Small Update

Hey folks,

I'm feeling a bit under the weather and I have to work the next two days, so my big "Feingold in Alabama II: The Sequel" Roundup will have to be delayed until the weekend. My apologies.

But I do have some additions to the site today:

First: another Feingold state site is up; check out Fitzy's insightful Feingold for Michigan blog. Looks like Feingold fever is spreading across the Midwest! Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, and now Michigan!

My other new link is Brian's Russ Feingold Archive. As you might have guessed, this is an archive of Russ-related stories, editorials, speeches, and anything else he can find!

In addition, Senator Feingold was on C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning. For those of you who, like me, missed this it's available on C-SPAN's website here.

Again, let me know if you have any new Feingold links or news!


Friday, April 01, 2005

Great New Links

Hey everybody, I've been pretty busy recently, so while I've added a number of links in the past month or more, I haven't drawn everybody's attention to them with a post so, here's some sites to check out: is a great new (well, new-ish) national Feingold for President site.

Fox for Feingold is a great, regularly updated site for Feingold news. Don't let the name scare you: it has nothing to do with Fox News!

Also, I've got three state Feingold websites to bring to your attention:

Illinois, the state where I grew up, now has Steve Birenberg's great Feingold for Illinois blog for Feingold supporters in the Land of Lincoln (and Simon, and Durbin, and Obama)

Missouri, where I was born and currently live, has a Missouri for Feingold Yahoo Group started by Seth Jackson. Join and receive occasional emails from me!

Last but not least, Jerry Troiano has started a very impressive New Jersey for Feingold website. I've never been to Jersey, but I am listening to a Springsteen CD as I type this.

Also: I've added a number of links to Feingold CafePress stores. In addition to the DraftRuss and RussForPresident stores, a number of stores that sell merchandise supporting various possible candidates have added Russ stuff to their inventory. Now a CafePress search for Russ Feingold yields a couple of pages of results, as opposed to the three items it got when I first started this site. Russ's 2008 stock has definitely risen in the past four months!

If you have a Feingold site that I'm not currently linking to, please post a comment or email me and I'll give you a "hello" and a link (as Daniel Owen at says.)

Finally, MSNBC's website has a nice article about Feingold's 2008 possibilities. I don't have time to quote it in much detail here, but I think it's worth checking out: "A Democratic Dark Horse poised to emerge" So, MSNBC has noticed the Feingold for President buzz...any way this could lead to me being a guest on Countdown with Keith Olbermann? Just being hopeful.

Finally, I have to work (and work extra hours!) the next four days so I probably won't post then, but on my next day off expect another of my trademark long rambling posts on Senator Feingold's return to Alabama!

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