Friday, November 03, 2006

Three Days to Go

As you probably guessed from the lack of updates, I've found the second year of law school provides no more opportunities for free time (and therefore blogging time) than the first year...actually it seems like less, if that's possible. I wish I had the time over the past few months to update this blog with the latest in Feingold related news, and I hope that in the weeks to come I'll have some exciting Feingold for President stuff to blog about.

But none of that matters now. Now, we only have three days to go until election day 2006, and until that's done 2008 presidential race speculation is definitely on the backburner.

It looks like these midterms will be pretty exciting for the Democrats, but we shouldn't take anything for granted. So, my simple plea is this: spend the next three days doing whatever you can to help Democratic candidates and progressive causes in the upcoming election. If that's giving money, great! If it's volunteering, even better! And if it's just making sure that you and your friends and family get out and vote Democratic on Tuesday, well that's more than enough!

No matter where you are, I'm sure you can find a Democratic cause worth your time. If you still need to find one check out: the Progressive Patriots Fund, the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Governors Association.

Let's get out there and win this thing. And let's make it a big win, so we can move this country forward...whether President Bush wants to go there or not.

My irregular and not nearly scheduled Feingold for President blogging will resume after Election Day.



At 2:22 PM, Blogger Walker said...

2006 is done, and most favorably so!

The victory party I attended last night was hosted by a Feingold supporter who handed me a RUSS FEINGOLD PRESIDENT 2008 button at the end.

The die is cast.

Count me in.

Choosing Hope

Russ Feingold: A Principled Progressive


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